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bog turtle造句

"bog turtle"是什么意思  
  • The bog turtle is omnivorous, feeding mainly on small invertebrates.
  • If Ebolaboy is not the master, then Bog Turtle is.
  • Bog turtles number 200 to 300, several environmentalists said.
  • The bog turtle emerges from hibernation when the air temperature is between.
  • The movement of bog turtles between colonies facilitates genetic diversity.
  • It is unknown how gender is determined in bog turtles.
  • Today, the rebounding of bog turtle colonies depends on private intervention.
  • Captive breeding is another method of stabilizing the bog turtles'numbers.
  • Biologists visit bog turtle sites and evaluate their habitat's status.
  • Bog turtle habitats are susceptible to dangerous side effects by invasive plants.
  • It's difficult to see bog turtle in a sentence. 用bog turtle造句挺难的
  • The reptiles are represented by bog turtles, rat snakes and sand lizard.
  • Since 1973, the Bronx Zoo has successfully bred bog turtles in captivity.
  • Bog turtles live for an average of 20 to 30 years in the wild.
  • The spotted turtle and painted turtle are similar in appearance to the bog turtle.
  • The bog turtle spends its life almost exclusively in the wetland where it hatched.
  • Colony simply means that there are seperate dwellings for different numbers of bog turtles.
  • CWF assists with the restoration and enhancement of bog turtle habitats in New Jersey.
  • The Bog Turtle is the single most significant rare animal species surviving in Gaston County.
  • Bog turtles are found in all waters.
  • The bog turtle uses soft, deep mud to shelter from predators and the weather.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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